Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Train 4:55

On the train at 4:55

Opening the gym is always a funny thing . I have to be up at 4:20 am Wednesday and Fridays ... It makes me pretty burnt out and I'm not sure how I am going to be able to do it this week.

I need extra money so I am going to Manny tonight, yeah I said Manny, I am a Man Nanny move on ... It's roughly 1 hour of babysitting then I watch TV .

This my get a little rambley cause it's soo early..

I have had a few reoccurring dreams and nightmares in my life and last night I had one ...

 I am a guest artist in a play in a newly renovated theatre in my former high school. It's something like King Lear but even more epic . With a finale almost like An American in Paris but much darker. This ending includes historical figures like Lincoln and a death scene on a wooden bridge barricade a la Les Mis meets Chalk Circle.
Either way it's epic... I always am months behind in my preparation for the play and only have a scene or two memorized .In addition, this time I drive home from rehearsal and I end up getting in a car accident with the State vehicle I am driving ...

The train is running late and we waited too long above ground.  The sound of the Latin Train Riders fills the car . Their loud conversations about sports could be mistaken for a heated political debate, if only there was a senator Mello . I guess there is in this town..

I am part of this club, even though the open seats were farther down the car . This is our car , I say our because I got the Nod . From maybe not the leader for the Riders but definitely the oldest of the crew . As each stop goes by the heat of the conversation dwindles and none are left of the fiery lot but the old man . We have never spoken only shared a nod a few mornings a week.

The man with some sort of special needs strikes up a convo with who ever or what ever is around him. He to makes the same daily commute to a job I can only assume is like mine if not more important . We are the people that open the world while the rest is asleep. We are making the donuts, getting the keys, and making sure the roaches have been stomped before you get your coffee.

My stop is next...

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