Friday, March 25, 2011

Laps in the Gene Pool

In 2 months I'll be 25

As my golden birthday approaches I look for some perspective... as least as much as my 24 and change brain can muster.

What have I learned in my near quarter century ?
What absolute truths can I grapple as I boulder for the next 25?

A lot has changed in me and around me but let's start with what is the same.

A rock, a foundation on which my perspective is anchored... Family.. The constant care and unbroken trust, my model for which all relationships are based.

The joy of having a close family aside from the obvious love and support.. is aging with your family. Understanding your loved ones as people , which can only come with years of observation. Seeing the imperfect humans they are is one of my greatest joys. Seeing my reflection in the gene pool. How much of me is not me at all, but a magical combination of two complex people.

You are your parents wether you like it or not. For better or worse , talents and handicaps. The sooner you can recognize the traits you share from whence you came the sooner you'll make sense as a being.

Not to say reinvention is impossible. It my however be futile.

This begs the question which is more powerful: genetics or the environment in which we are raised?
I happen to think that good parents make for good people. Now ones opinion of a "good parent " will undoubtably differ. Some staples are universal on the parenting check list.

Love and support within the means of the supporter and guidelines for everyday life with well enforced consequences for ones deviation from an establish standard.

Serial killers are going to be serial killers... and chances are... if you are a shit you came from assholes.

If there is a point in here let me know....

Something else that I have learned is one must be very careful who they consider a friend. Now sure, we all know lots of people and should be kind to as many as possible. But the people that you can really trust and depend on other then your family should be accepted with only the up most scrutiny. This screening process, I have come to find, can take years to truly show you who a person is. And when you let your guard down to let an unproven person in, you leave yourself vulnerable to upsetting disappointment.

I am not saying to never let anyone in and be scared to enjoy the company of others.. Just be weary of giving to much of yourself to too many, because you may never see those pieces again.

If I have any hopes for these next 50 or 60 years... 

I hope they are filled with the kind of people who will fall down with me and laugh while we get back up....

Till next time ....

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