Monday, April 4, 2011

Chew on this: Manny

Its Mickey Poppins and the lovable tap dancing chimney sweep Beth!

I had an interesting conversation with a friends mother the other day. She asked me what I was doing for survival job in NYC and I told her I work at a gym and I also Manny. That statement was met with a puzzled look which I then explained it was a mash up of Man and Nanny.... Manny

The Manny is all the rage these days, I explained, and very popular with the hip parents of NYC especially in Brooklyn. The Manny is taking root in a profession that has been formerly dominated by high school girls and middle aged Jamaican women. This service is so sought-after that a fellow actor friend of mine has plans to provide a Manny data base. So actors, like myself, who are well spoken and highly educated with rather flexible schedules can be placed with families looking for child care. Attractive men in thier mid 20's are also obviously very popular with young moms of New York. I'll be the first to admit ..I love hot Mom's

I rattled off all this to my friends mother and she expressed how happy she was for me but also gave me a warning . With her traditional values she found it strange and unsettling to have a young man take care of children . The warning she issued was to be weary of bad children and their imaginations. She assumed that men would be at higher risk of bad children making up lies and accusations about them. To quote her " all you would need is one bad kid to make something up and say he touched me or anything like that and you would be screwed."

I understand what she's saying. My roommate, also a Manny, watches a kid who is an asshole,a real shit head. I hate this 10 year old kid like I could hate 30 year old man. This kid would do anything for attention and I wouldn't put it past him to make something up to tarnish my pals fine reputation. But is he more at risk than a Female babysitter? Wouldn't a woman be just as vulnerable to the accusations of a such child? Am I naive for thinking this?

The other argument she put forward was it seemed more natural for a woman to be hired for the caring of children. That was always the case for me as a child , all day care or babysitting situations were handled by a woman. 

It is traditional... sure..
Is it more natural?.. maybe..
The real question is: Is one better than the other?... I'm not sure. 

Is one gender any more capable of providing quality care for child, then another?

Chew on this friends and then get back to me..